Adult Learning
Adult Learning at Temple Beth David
As a community, we support a rich tradition of lifelong Jewish learning, where adults and parents are engaged as well as our children. Come to a class or lecture opportunity to participate in a lively discussion, get to know other members of our community, and learn something new. New and experienced learners are welcome. Rabbi Karen teaches a weekly Talmud class for all learners.
As Hillel said, “If not now, when?” Come join our learning Kehillah (community) and become inspired.
One of the things that makes Temple Beth David such an extraordinary community is our commitment to excellence in Adult Education. In addition to the support of our clergy and our board, that excellence comes from the passionate involvement of our congregants themselves."
Many of our lifelong learning activities are scheduled with regular education opportunities for children, making it easier for the whole family to be involved. Look for events on Sunday mornings, coordinated with Shorashim Religious School.
Other adult education opportunities include Lunchtime Talmud Study with the Rabbi on Thursdays, an annual Scholar In Residence weekend, and a bi-annual Congregational Retreat.
Topics of study include Jewish customs and practice, the study of Jewish texts, aspects of spirituality, and issues pertinent to contemporary Jewish and Israeli life.
Thu, September 19 2024
16 Elul 5784
Adult Education Programs
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024Crying Without - Awakening Within with Rabbi Naftali Hirsch, Director of Congregational Learning
Shabbat, Sep 21st 10:30a to 11:45a
Every day during Elul, there is a many centuries-old tradition to blow the Shofar with each type of "cry" it utters.* As we wind our way towards Rosh Hashanah, we'll look at some of the sources for these many sounds of the shofar, this Elul practice, and what it might mean for us now and on the High Holidays. We'll move through some sources from the Torah, Talmud, Midrash and contemporary poetry, exploring its invitation for internal responsiveness in our own spiritual lives. Bring your questions and curiosity. (*There will be no actual blowing of the shofar today!) -
Sunday ,
SepSeptember 22 , 2024The Narrow Bridge, A Film Screening
Sunday, Sep 22nd 5:00p to 6:30p
THE NARROW BRIDGE is a moving documentary that journeys into the souls of four courageous and inspiring people: Israelis Meytal and Rami, and Palestinians Bushra and Bassam. Each of them lost a child or a parent in violent conflict. Directed by Esther Takac, the film follows their paths from devastating trauma to courageous activism. They belong to the controversial grassroots movement of Israeli and Palestinian Bereaved Families, who stand side-by-side to end the violence and build a future based on dignity and equality. For if they can build a bridge for peace after paying the highest price, maybe we all can. Including a discussion with Rabbi Karen. Registration requested. -
Tuesday ,
SepSeptember 24 , 2024Exploring Sarah and Hagar with Rabbinic Intern Sarah Pollack
Tuesday, Sep 24th 7:00p to 8:00p
Rosh Hashanah, which is called the Day of Judgement or the Day of the Conception of the World, is connected to the biblical story of the binding of Isaac (Akeidat Yitzhak). The rabbis of our tradition link the story with the blowing of the shofar, and it is the Torah reading for Rosh Hashanah. Join in conversation and exploration of the story, rabbinic imagining of the story, and a deep dive into what the story shows us about the relationship between parent and child. We’ll explore the relationship between Sarah and Hagar, and examine why Sarah died of a broken heart. Registration requested. -
Sunday ,
SepSeptember 29 , 2024Forgiveness with Rabbi Emeritus Henry Zoob
Sunday, Sep 29th 11:45a to 1:00p
Why is it so hard to forgive others and ourselves? Using our tradition as a guide, we will learn and discuss together. -
Thursday ,
OctOctober 17 , 2024Sukkot Lunch & Learn in the Sukkah
Thursday, Oct 17th 12:00p to 1:00p
Join Rabbi Karen for study on the theme of happiness and joy in the Sukkah outdoors, weather permitting. Feel free to bring food.