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Social Action

The Temple Beth David community is actively involved in tikkun olam (healing and repairing the world). Each of us has a responsibility to change our surroundings and, by extension, the world for the better through participating in tzedakah (justice and righteousness) and gemilut chasidim (acts of loving kindness). The mitzvah of righteous giving is a core value of our culture at Temple Beth David.

Contact Gail Mann, Chair of the Social Action Committee.

Supporting the Community

Parking Lot Food Pantry 

A food pantry box containing free non-perishable food items and toiletries is available in the parking lot at Temple Beth David. Donations of unopened and unexpired cans, jars and toiletries can be left in the pantry box. Feel free to donate or take food as needed. 


 Contact Lynn Kaminski 

High Holy Day Food Drive

As we prepare to fast, our congregation will be collecting food to ease hunger within our communities. The food will support the Westwood Food Pantry, the Medfield Food Cupboard, and our own mini food pantry at temple. As you leave Rosh HaShanah services, please take an empty grocery bag or you may use one of your own. Return filled bags to the temple during Yom Kippur services. Wishlist items include: canned carrots, cake mix, pancake mix, syrup, jelly, salsa, salad dressing, canned tuna (solid in water), mayonnaise, cookies, crackers, pasta, pasta sauce, baked beans, herbal tea, paper towels, and toiletries. If you would like to help, please contact the temple office.

Interfaith Walk For Hunger

Temple Beth David joins with local houses of faith each fall to support Project Bread, a local organization that serves the nearly 18% of Massachusetts households that are food insecure (2020). We host a three mile local walk in the fall, coming together to help feed the hungry. 

Sunday Sandwich Hevre 

Religious School students, parents and adult volunteers join together to form the monthly Sunday Sandwich Hevre (SSH) - a hevre is a group of friends who do things together. SSH makes bag lunches for hungry people at Father Bill’s and Mainspring Homeless Shelter in Quincy.


 Contact Lynn Kaminski 

Family Table – JF&CS

Help our neighbors, colleagues and classmates who are living with food insecurity. As part of Family Table South, a program of Jewish Family and Children's Services, we provide 30 boxes of whole grain pasta and 30 cans of salmon to the pantry each month. Please bring cans to the bins at TBD. Place an order on Amazon from the Family Table Wish list. (Quantities of 12 cans or 8 boxes are more helpful and less wasteful than delivery of single items).  Sign up to bring/order food.

Other Ways to Fight Hunger

Volunteer with or donate to the Greater Boston Food Bank or the Westwood Food Pantry.

Additional Resources

Guided by Jewish values,  JALSA and NCJW work for social and racial justice and civil rights and liberties. Protecting access to abortion and reproductive health care is a priority. 

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785